Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Happy New Years

I rang in the New Year by myself this year as Justin went to bed at 9:30 last night....

I enjoyed watching the Magic Kingdom fireworks and also eating some pecan pie though!

New Years always brings me to a time of reflection and connection. Reflection of the past year: what happened, and what I've learnt. Connection to the next year: Where do I want to be and what can I improve in myself?

I have a love/hate relationship with resolutions. I love making them. I love feeling motivated and inspired. But at the end of the year, I look back and I hate when I realize that I haven't accomplished much. Justin has mentioned that it's easier to break down the long term goals (even just for the year) into shorter short term goals. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to focus on the next four months (in four months, we will have a new baby and I'll reevaluate my goals once our new life has become our new normal.

So here are my goals for the next four months (Based around the 7 Oola's)


Daily scripture study, daily prayer, weekly FHE, family scripture reading for the Come, Follow Me program (incorporated into our bedtime reading) and regular temple attendance (once a month)
Attend YW activities once a month


Weekly family counsel meetings. Regular family walks (M,W & F nights)


Obtain more flexibility and stamina. Do pilates and/or yoga twice a week. (Tuesday and Thursday nights when Justin's at Jiu Jitsu.) I also want to eat better by not snacking so much. Limiting  weeknight TV watching will help in this area.



Crochet projects: Slippers, scarf, Ella's scarf, Valentine garland, Easter egg carrots


Connect with one friend once a week. Either "coffee" date or playdate or something...


Stick with a budget and kill our debt.

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