Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Cloth diapers!

At the beginning of January, on our quest to become greener, Justin and I decided to start using cloth diapers. The thought that it takes over 200 years for one single disposable diaper to decompose completely is both shocking and, quite frankly, disgusting. What we as human beings are doing to this beautiful planet is horrific. And I'm not just talking about diapers. Garbage and pollution are destroying the habitats of millions of precious life forms. So Justin and I figured that cloth diapers is one way we can help our environment out.

Now the clothies made today are designed way better then they were way back in the day. Although they do still make the ones with the pins, they have far easier options out there. A LOT of options. So naturally, I found myself searching and questioning the different brands, forms and styles of clothies.

I went to a store in Edmonton where I could physically touch and play with many styles. It was a lot more informative then just looking at them on a website. So out of a lot of time (so much time that the lady at the store asked me four times if I was "still doing okay") and experimenting, I decided to go with Flip by CottonBabies. These are a type of hybrid diaper or all in two (AI2). They consist of two parts: the cover and the insert. So when the insert gets soiled, it gets replaced and the cover is reusable so it can be used many times throughout the day. This is unlike other kinds of diapers like all-in-ones (AIO) or pocket diapers because once one of those gets soiled, the whole diaper has to be thrown in the laundry pail.

(This is my Flip stash! )

I purchased most of my other supplies on Kijiji- things like a diaper pail and liner, and a spray hose. With a rough initial investment of $350, we were off!

I must say that I love my clothies! Not only are they better for the environment, they are easy to use and are absolutely adorable. In the long run, they are cheaper too. In about four months of use they will be paid off and after that I have many more to go!

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