Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Homemade Wipes

As well as saving on diapers, we figured we could save on wipes too! So I found this recipe here, modified it a bit, and created a solution that has organic ingredients that are safe for my baby's precious skin. I found the ingredients at well.ca which has free shipping. As for the wipes themselves, I use regular baby face cloths. (You can purchase cloth wipes from local cloth diapering stores, but they are the same price and this was more convenient for me as I just bought a bunch from Superstore and Walmart.

The Recipe:

• ~ 4 cups of water
• 2 tbsp of Dr. Bronner's Mild Baby Soap
• 1 tbsp of Thayer's Unscented Witch Hazel

I put the solution in a spray bottle and voila! Homemade wipes!

The other way I do it is fill a wipes container halfway with water then add the soap and witch hazel and fill the container with the cloths until all the water is soaked up.

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